Scattering is the problems which Electro Magnetica version 1 is mostly effective to be solved. It is especially most effective if the scattering object is smaller than the interesting wave length. This is the case Electro Magnetica is most effective because the adaptive blocked cell method is most effective.

Now we consider a case which a perfect cunductive sphere is located at the centre of system and impulsive plane wave is applied to the sphere.

Blocked Meshes around PEC sphere.

EM generates its grid system automatically to fit the target object. The figure shows the resultant blocked cells of Level 4-2 for the case. The figure shows in 2 dimension but you can see the fine blocked cells are concentrate around the PEC sphere in 3 dimension. Each blocked cells contains 8x8x8=64 cells inside.

The blocked cell system is generated automatically by the software. As the restriction, the adjascent blocked cells of the generated cells has the same level or differs one level at the most. This is because the too large change in grid width causes the spacial descretization error.

The following animation is the simulation result with Electro Magnetica. Click the picture to start the animation. You can easily obtain this sort of anmation using the interval timer shooting of EM.








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