Electromagnetic emission from a dipole antenna is simulated using Electro Magnetica (EM).

One of a fundamental problem of antenna emission is computed. This is a quite simple model. Two cylindrical elements are located with a small distance, they are connected to a lumped voltage source with a wire model.

These elements are placed in the centre of the simulation system, and apply a Gaussian impulse to the lumped voltage source. In order to evaluage the emission pattern in far field, RCS in the tree node is also set. In the Control Tab, the level of grid generation is set to 4 and 2, and then, click Generate to generate grids. EM generate automatically to fit the dipole element shape.

Click 3D View Window to refresh the draw and confirm the grid. Then, click the View Tab to set the visualization menu.

In the View tab you can register a view object to visualize in 3D view. 

Click the Play button located in the low area of Control tab, your simulation starts.

Download this file (dipole.em3)dipole.em3[EM file for this example.]1 kB

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